Saint Clair Vineyard Kitchen joins national effort to raise vital funds for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ

Saint Clair Family Estate is joining a national effort to support Kiwis affected by breast cancer by hosting a Pink Ribbon Breakfast this month.
The Saint Clair Vineyard Kitchen will be serving a special ‘pink lunch’ at 13 Selmes Road, Rapaura on Friday 26 May from 11:30am. The Vineyard Kitchen is hoping to raise $600 from the event for Breast Cancer Foundation NZ.
Raising awareness for breast cancer is very important to the team at Saint Clair, with many employees being directly affected by its challenges. Sharon Stevens, a contact grower for Saint Clair was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in December of 2017. It took off fast growing to four inches long and two and a half inches wide over a 12-day period. Life for Sharon has been a real battle over the last five years, with several other health issues that caused delays to surgery. Despite this, Sharon remains a strong, spirited women thanks to support from the Cancer Society and the Breast Cancer Foundation.
Sharon has been in remission from roughly 10 months following surgery. Her philosophy has been keeping herself busy. For Sharon, it has been planting lots of natives on her block of land or looking forward to the harvest of her grapes. She even started collecting miniature shoes. She says, “think of others and what you can do for them, to help take your mind off it”.
Pink Ribbon Breakfast is Breast Cancer Foundation NZ’s annual campaign to raise vital funds for breast cancer research, patient support, education, and awareness. Each year more than 3,500 people are diagnosed with breast cancer and it is the leading cause of death for NZ women under 65.

Ah-Leen Rayner, chief executive of Breast Cancer Foundation NZ, said: “We are so grateful to everyone who is takes part in Pink Ribbon Breakfast. Thanks to the generosity of Kiwis up and down the country, we are able to continue our life-saving work”.
“The proceeds raised from Pink Ribbon Breakfast will bring us one step closer to our vision of zero deaths from breast cancer. So, please get involved in whatever way you can – your support will make a real difference.”
If you’d like to come to the Pink Ribbon lunch at the Saint Clair Vineyard Kitchen – make your booking here.
If you’d like to host your own Pink Ribbon Breakfast, visit
For more information please contact:
Saint Clair Vineyard Kitchen Restaurant Manager Ashley de Castro,
About Breast Cancer Foundation NZ (BCFNZ): BCFNZ is a not-for-profit, non-government funded organisation that depends on donations and fundraising for its work in breast cancer education and awareness, medical research and training grants, advocacy, and supporting Kiwis with breast cancer. BCFNZ’s programmes are evidence-based, and overseen by its medical advisory committee. The pink ribbon symbol is a trademark of BCFNZ.